Welcome to Vivekananda Vidyalayam

The Vidyalayam aims to nurture in each student:
-a sense of integrity, dignity and confidence to face life’s challenges;
-an ability to learn on one’s own, collaboratively and take responsibility for learning;
-the capacity to make choices of future activities in consonance with one’s deepest predilections;
-the intelligence to remain a sensitive human being with open ness.

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Imparting education of the total human being and to spread the roots of learning to enquire, to observe one self, to relate with other people and the earth.


Instilling an attitude that will appreciate the advantages of modern scientific and technological development and remain to admire, appreciate and safeguard the finer aspects of human civilization, culture, tradition and art.

School Gallery

The Vidyalayam aims to nuture in each student:

  • a sense of integrity, dignity and confidence to face life’s challenges;
  • an ability to learn on one’s own, collaboratively and take responsibility for learning;
  • the capacity to make choices of future activities in consonance with one’s deepest predilections;
  • the intelligence to remain a sensitive human being with open ness.